Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Real Truth About Glenn Jessen

Glenn Jessen, or one of his supporters, has a blog titled The Truth About Glenn Jessen.  This blog is a fairytale from start to finish. They claim he is the victim of a witch hunt and that none of what happened to his unfortunate customers in Denver was his fault.  Here are the facts:

1. Glenn Jessen has an extensive criminal record.  The story he tells about his past is nowhere near the truth.  In the 1980's Glenn was a stockbroker in Denver.  He was making a lot of money breaking the law.  He was busted by the SEC and had his license revoked. You can find this on a google search using Glenn Jessen and SEC.

2. After the SEC revoked his license Glenn chose other forms of crime; burglary being the primary source for new income.  His partner was caught, who then turned him in.  Jessen ran from the authorities for several months.  He was later convicted of multiple felonies and sentenced to four years in state prison.  If you are thinking of doing any business with him you should go to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.  For $6.95 you can read his Colorado record.  It's quite the read.

3.  Glenn Jessen claims that the Colorado judgement against him was not his fault. It was all his partners.  Go to the Colorado Secretary of State and read the judge's decision.  It references facts from the case that once again prove what a scumbag Jessen is.  This isn't the first time he's done this.  He owned another company, Ultimate Windows, 11 years ago.  He has a judgement against him from that for over $200,000.  In both CSI and Ultimate windows his partners did the right thing and settled their debts.  Jessen hides like the lowlife he is.  Don't believe me, look up the references I've listed.  He should be in jail.